Lasse Heje Pedersen a Professor of Finance and Director of the Center for Big Data in Finance (BIGFI) at Copenhagen Business School and a Principal at AQR Capital Management. A Stanford PhD, he has served as Director of the American Finance Association, in the Liquidity Working Group meeting at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to address liquidity issues, in the New York Fed’s Monetary Policy Panel, on the Economic Advisory Boards of NASDAQ and FTSE, and on several editorial boards. His papers are highly cited among academics, media, central banks, the Nobel prize committee, and in courses around the world. His academic awards include the Bernácer Prize to the best E.U. economist under 40 years of age, the Banque de France-TSE Prize, and the Stephen A. Ross Prize.
Jesper Berg var direktør for Finanstilsynet fra 2015 til 2023. Han arbejder i dag hos Senior Advisor, Rud Pedersen, og som rådgiver for en række virksomheder og er tilknyttet både CBS og Københavns Universitet. Han har tidligere været bankdirektør for Nykredit Bank, chef for Handelsafdelingen, Afdelingen for Finansiel Stabilitet og Betalingsformidlingskontoret i Nationalbanken, været Head of Division i ECBs Pengepolitiske Direktorat og økonom i IMFs policyafdeling for økonomiske programmer. Han er bl.a. forfatter til bogen Finansernes Fald.
Pernille Jessen er nyligt tiltrådt CIO i AP Pension, der er et kundeejet, kommercielt pensionsselskab med 180 mia. kr. under forvaltning og 450.000 kunder. Hun kom fra en stilling som co-CIO i AkademikerPension, hvor hun også tidligere har været obligationschef og porteføljeforvalter på kreditobligationer. Pernille startede oprindeligt sin karriere i Nationalbanken og har en PhD i Finansiering fra Århus Universitet samt en kandidat i Matematik-Økonomi fra Københavns Universitet.
Jakob kom til BankInvest i 2011, hvor han nu er ansvarlig for bæredygtighed, investeringsrisiko og udvælgelse af eksterne forvaltere.
Jakob har en Cand.merc-fir fra Copenhagen Business School og en MBA fra Henley Business School.
Ian Tokley is a Director of the independent ESG research and analytics company, Eden River. He has an LL.B and LL.M and is a qualified lawyer in England and Wales and was previously a partner of a leading international law firm based in London. He has been ranked as one of the leading finance lawyers in Europe, Asia and Denmark for over twenty years. He is the author seven books on corporate finance and has published numerous academic articles on legal issues.
Henrik er kontorchef for Finanstilsynets Kontor for Tilsyn med ESG. Kontoret er bl.a. ansvarlig for tilsynet med bæredygtighedsoplysninger under SFDR og EU Taksonomien og koordinerer Finanstilsynets tværgående aktiviteter på ESG områder. Henrik er medlem af ESMA’s Sustainable Finance Standing Committee. Inden Henrik kom til Finanstilsynet var han chef for Regulatory Implementation and Operational Risks, hos ATP og har tidligere arbejdet hos Den Europæiske Centralbank og Danmarks Nationalbank. Henrik er uddannet cand.oecon. fra Aarhus Universitet.
Thomas possesses extensive experience from the financial sector, with a focus on ESG investing, Equity Research, IPOs, Investor Relations, and financial communication. His expertise involves offering strategic guidance on ESG strategies and developing and communicating credible ESG narratives.
Previously, Thomas served as Senior Vice President and Global Head of Equity Research at Danske Bank, and held prominent positions at ABN Amro, Alfred Berg, Handelsbanken Capital Markets, and KPMG.
Furthermore, Thomas holds an ESG Investing Certificate from the CFA Institute and serves as the deputy chairman at Finansforeningen and CFA Denmark.