Lars Gert Lose (Partner, Global Public Affairs, Communication and Marketing at Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners)

Lars Gert Lose

Partner, Global Public Affairs, Communication and Marketing at Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners

Lars Gert Lose, Partner, Global Head of Public Affairs, Communication and Marketing, based in Copenhagen, is responsible for global public affairs, communication, and marketing, including geopolitical assessment of risk and opportunities for CIP investments globally.  

Since joining CIP in February 2022, Mr. Lose has developed and implemented a global structure around and approach to public affairs and communication in support of CIP funds and investments. Prior to joining CIP, Mr. Lose was employed 25 years in the Danish Foreign Service and has served as, among other things, Permanent Under-Secretary of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, Danish Ambassador to the US, and Permanent Secretary of State for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Through these years of public service, Mr. Lose has worked intensively with geopolitical developments, and how to translate this into guidance to global companies dealing with political and regulatory issues in world markets.  Mr. Lose holds a Master of political science from Aarhus University, Denmark.

Ole Thonke (Vicedirektør for udviklingspolitik at Udenrigsministeriet)

Ole Thonke

Vicedirektør for udviklingspolitik at Udenrigsministeriet

Ole Thonke is the Undersecretary for Development Policy at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Prior to this, he has served as ambassador for the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya, Pakistan and Bolivia and Head of Department at the Ministry. Thonke holds a Master of Economics from the University of Copenhagen (and is Knight of the Order of Dannebrog).

Torsten Fels (CEO of PenSam)

Torsten Fels

CEO of PenSam

Torsten Fels has been CEO of PenSam (including PenSam Pension and PenSam Bank) since 2016. He is also a Member of the Board of Directors for the Danish Sustainable Development Goals Investment Fund and AIP Management. He received a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Copenhagen. Torsten has a long experience from management jobs in the financial sector dating back to 1985.

Lars Bo Bertram (CEO of IFU - Investeringsfonden for Udviklingslande)

Lars Bo Bertram

CEO of IFU - Investeringsfonden for Udviklingslande

Lars Bo Bertram er direktør for IFU - Investeringsfonden for Udviklingslande, hvor han tiltrådte efter sin tid som CEO i BankInvest.

Med en lang karriere i den finansielle sektor, der begyndte i 1983, har Lars Bo Bertram de sidste 25 år specialiseret sig i kapitalforvaltning med særligt fokus på investering, pension, ESG, risikostyring og kundeservice. Før han kom til BankInvest i 2015, var han bankdirektør i Nykredit Bank A/S og chef for Nykredit Asset Management. I denne rolle var han medlem af Nykredit Banks direktion og Nykredit Koncernledelse samt formand for koncernens ESG-komité.

Lars Bo Bertram er uddannet fra Handelshøjskolen i København og har gennemført Senior Executive Programme på London Business School samt AMP 181 på Harvard Business School. Herudover har han certifikat i ESG Investering niveau 4 fra CFA UK med fokus på at integrere ESG-faktorer i investeringsprocessen.

Michael Albrechtslund (CEO of Finansforeningen/CFA Society Denmark)

Michael Albrechtslund

CEO of Finansforeningen/CFA Society Denmark

Michael Albrechtslund har været direktør hos Finansforeningen/CFA Society Denmark siden april 2017. Før dette beskæftigede Michael sig alene med bestyrelsesarbejde i en årrække, og er fortsat aktiv med en række formandsposter i flere danske regulerede finansielle virksomheder, herunder robotrådgiveren NORM Invest, som han co-founded i 2015. Fra 2002 til 2014 var Michael direktør for Sparinvest Fondsmæglerselskab henholdsvis ID-Sparinvest Danmark, og medansvarlig for den markante vækst fra 8 mia. DKK under forvaltning og 19 medarbejdere, til 132 mia. DKK under forvaltning og rådgivning, samt kontor i 6 europæiske lande med 160 medarbejdere. Michael startede sin karriere i Alm. Brand Bank/Børs i 1987, frem til 2000 som Investeringsrådgiver, Aktiechef, Aktieanalysechef, Direktør og stifter af Alm. Brand Invest. Derefter fulgte et par år som Finansdirektør og Direktør i det børsnoterede A/S Brands Venture.