This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Finansforeningen / CFA Society Denmark events.

A transition plan is a strategic document outlining how a company will adjust its business model to address climate change–related risk and opportunity. Effective transition plans contain a range of information including clear commitments and detailed plans for reducing emissions across the whole business and credible information about how the transition will be financed. Transition plans are important to investors because they provide material, forward-looking information about how companies are likely to perform in a low-carbon future.

What will be covered in this webinar?

  • Setting the context: Net Zero, carbon budgets and orderly transition — the implications for investors
  • What is a transition plan?
  • How might finance and investment professionals use transition plans?
  • Evaluating transition plans: What determines whether transition plans are credible?
  • Transition plans and developing economies — does one size fit all?

This is the second in our three-part Climate Is Collective webinar series aimed at closing the gap between specialist climate and sustainability practitioners on the one hand, and finance professionals who need to understand climate change impact on company and asset performance on the other.

In the series we look at key information sources and practices used by climate practitioners and investment decision makers when considering climate change risks and opportunities in their analysis.